IPv4 Address usage in Mauritius

25 June 2016 by S. Moonesamy

IPv4 Addresses

IP addresses are used to identify computers and other devices connected to the internet. The IP address version currently in wide use is Version 4 (IPv4). There are 540,672 IPv4 addresses listed as being in use in Mauritius.

IPv4 Address usage by service provider

The Information and Communication Authority has issued Internet Service Provider Licences to 17 companies in Mauritius. The pie chart below shows a breakdown of IPV4 address usage by service provider:

IPv4 Address usage by government agencies

The Government Online Centre, which is managed by the National Computer Board, has been assigned 256 IPv4 addresses. It is likely that government agencies use Network Address Translation (NAT) for their internal networks.

IPv4 Address usage by universities

The University of Mauritius has been assigned 2,304 IPv4 addresses. Although there are several other universities in Mauritius, none of them are listed as having IPv4 addresses.

IPv4 Address usage yearly

The first IPv4 address allocation to an organization in Mauritius was in 1994. There has been one steep increase in IPv4 address usage in Mauritius since 1994.