Unsafe web form for Transparency Mauritius Whistle-Blowing

24 February 2015 by S. Moonesamy

Transparency Mauritius Whistle-Blowing

Transparency Mauritius is an independent, non-political and non-partisan body corporate. One of the projects of the organisation encourages whistle-blowing; a person can report suspected cases of corruption by filling a form on its web site.

Invalid security certificate

The form is, by default, acessible over HTTP where the information is sent to the web site in plain text. An attempt to access the form through a secure (HTTPS) connection shows the follow error:

www.transparencymauritius.org uses an invalid security certificate.

On 5 February, Transparency International agreed that there were valid concern about the unsafe submission process and the lack of information regarding the collection of personal data. The organisation stated that it will reach out to the local Chapter to address the concern.


Given the error displayed by the web browser and the risks, the web form provided by Transparency Mauritius should be considered as unsafe for whistle-blowing.

1. About Transparency Mauritius
2. Whistle Blowing; Report Corruption in Mauritius - Transparency Mauritius